Work Health and Safety (WHS)
At Pro-Asset Painting Maintenance, our Work Health and Safety and Policy is based on our belief that the wellbeing of people employed at work, or people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.
People are our most important asset and their health and safety is our greatest responsibility. While completing works, the public are given equal priority to that of our employees and contractors.
The objectives of our Work Health and Safety Policy are to:
- Achieve an accident and injury-free workplace
- Identify hazards in the workplace
- Develop appropriate work methods and procedures to ensure safe performance
- Prevent the occurrence of accidents resulting in injury
- Reduce the severity of workplace injuries
- Make health & safety an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position
- Provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure employee safety
- Ensure all potential accidents and injuries are controlled and prevented
- Provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees
The success of our health & safety management is achieved through:
- Complying with statutory requirements, codes of practice, standards and guidelines
- Establishing objectives and targets to eliminate work-related incidents
- Defining roles and responsibilities for work health, safety and environment (WHSE)
- Ensuring WHSE management principles are included in all organisational planning activities
- Proactively planning all work activities; implementing OH&S controls that are suitable to each given situation
- Understanding the total work process and associated WHS risks
- Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives
- Ensuring that open and honest communication exists between management and all employees and contractors
- Providing ongoing education and training to all of our employees
- Consulting with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on WHSE matters
- Ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons learnt within the organisation
- Documenting, implementing and maintaining a WHS system
- Distributing WHSE information - including this policy - to all employees, contractors and interested parties
- Providing the resources to ensure WHSE is a central part of the organisation
- Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to all employees
Pro-Asset employ a qualified WHS officer to ensure our Work, Safety and Health Management systems are up-to-date, relevant and effective. We are currently working towards achieving ISO 45001:2018, a globally recognised Occupational Health and Safety Management System with a 3rd party accreditation.